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This java applet is an electronic circuit simulator. When the applet starts up you will see a
simple LRC circuit. The green color
indicates positive voltage. The gray
color indicates ground. A red color
indicates negative voltage. The moving
yellow dots indicate current.
To turn a switch on or off, just click on it. If you move the mouse over any component of
the circuit, you will see a short description of that component and its current
state in the lower right corner of the window.
To modify a component (say, to change the resistance of one of the
resistors), move the mouse over it, click the right mouse button (or
control-click, if you have a Mac) and select “Edit”.
There are three graphs at the bottom of the window; these act like
oscilloscopes, each one showing the voltage and current across a particular
component. Voltage is shown in green,
and current is shown in yellow. The
current may not be visible if the voltage graph is on top of it. The peak value of the voltage in the scope
window is also shown. Move the mouse
over one of the scope views, and the component it is graphing will be
highlighted. To modify or remove a
scope, click the right mouse button over it.
To view a component in the scope, click the right mouse button over the
component and select “View in Scope”.
If the simulation is moving too slowly or too quickly, you can adjust the
speed with the “Simulation Speed” slider.
The File menu allows you to load or save circuit description
files. You can also export a circuit description
as a link so you can share a circuit with others; this link can be optionally
shortened, which is usually better.
Reset button resets the circuit to a reasonable state. The Run/Stop button allows you to stop
the simulation. The Simulation Speed
slider allows you to adjust the speed of the simulation. If the simulation isn’t time-dependent (that
is, if there are no capacitors, inductors, or time-dependent voltage sources),
then this won’t have any effect. The Current
Speed slider lets you adjust the speed of the dots, in case the currents
are so weak (or strong) that the dots are moving too slowly (or too quickly).
The Circuits menu can be used to view some interesting pre-defined
circuits. Once a circuit is selected, you may modify it all you want. The
choices are:
- Basics
- Resistors: this shows some
resistors of various sizes in series and parallel.
- Capacitor: this shows a
capacitor that you can charge and discharge by clicking on the switch.
- Inductor: this shows an
inductor that you can charge and discharge by clicking on the switch.
this shows an oscillating circuit with an inductor, resistor, and
capacitor. You can close the
switch to get current moving in the inductor, and then open the switch to
see the oscillation.
- Voltage
this shows a voltage divider, which generates a reference voltage of
7.5V, 5V, and 2.5V from the 10V power supply.
- Thevenin’s
Theorem states
that the circuit on top is equivalent to the circuit on the bottom.
- Norton’s
Theorem states
that the circuit on top is equivalent to the circuit on the bottom.
- A/C Circuits
- Capacitor: this shows a
capacitor connected to an alternating voltage source.
- Inductor
- Caps of Various
shows the response of three different capacitors to the same frequency.
- Caps w/ Various
shows the response of three equal capacitors to three different
frequencies; the higher the frequency, the larger the current.
- Inductors of Various
shows the response of three different inductors to the same frequency.
- Inductors w/ Various
shows the response of three equal inductors to three different
frequencies: the lower the frequency, the larger the current.
- Impedances of Same
shows a capacitor, an inductor, and a resistor that have impedances of
equal magnitude (but different phase).
The peak current is the same in all three cases.
- Series
shows three identical LRC circuits being driven by three different
frequencies. The middle one is
being driven at the resonance frequency (shown in the lower right corner
of the screen as “res.f”). The top
one is being driven at a slightly lower frequency, and the bottom one has
a slightly higher frequency. The
peak voltage in the middle circuit is very high because it is resonating
with the source.
- Parallel
these three circuits have the inductor, resistor, and capacitor in
parallel instead of series. In this
case, the middle circuit is being driven at resonance, which causes the
current there to be lower than in the other two cases (because the
impedance of the circuit is highest at resonance).
- Passive Filters
- High-Pass
Filter (RC). The original signal is shown at the lower left, and
the filtered signal (with the low-frequency part removed) is shown to the
right. The breakpoint (-3 dB
point) is shown at the lower right, as “f.3db”.
- Low-Pass
Filter (RC).
- High-Pass Filter (RL). This high-pass filter uses an inductor
rather than a capacitor.
- Low-Pass Filter (RL).
- Band-Pass Filter: this filter passes a
range of frequencies close to the resonance frequency (shown at the lower
right, as “res.f”).
- Notch Filter: Also known as a
band-stop filter, this circuit filters out a range of frequencies close
to the resonance frequency.
- Twin-T Filter: This filter does a
very good job of filtering out 60 Hz signals.
- Crossover: A set of three filters; the top one
passes low frequencies, the middle one passes midrange, and the bottom
one passes high frequencies.
- Other Passive Circuits
- Series/Parallel
- Inductors in Series. The circuit at left is equivalent to
the circuit at right.
- Inductors in Parallel.
- Caps in Series.
- Caps in Parallel.
- Transformers
- Transformer:
basic transformer circuit with an equal number of windings in each coil.
- Transformer w/ DC: Here we try to pass a
DC current through a transformer.
- Step-Up Transformer: Here we step 10 V up
to 100 V.
- Step-Down Transformer:
we step 120 V down to 12 V.
- 3-Way Light Switches: shows how a light
bulb can be turned on and off from two locations.
- 3- and 4-Way Light
shows how a light bulb can be turned on and off from three locations.
- Differentiator: shows how a capacitor
can act as a differentiator, reflecting changes in voltage.
- Wheatstone Bridge: shows a balanced
Wheatstone bridge. If the bridge
were not balanced, current would be flowing across from one leg to the other.
- Critically Damped LRC.
- Current Source: shows a source that
keeps the current through the circuit constant regardless of the switch
- Inductive Kickback: In this circuit, we
have a switch that controls the supply of current to an inductor. An inductor resists any changes in
current. If you open the switch,
the inductor tries to maintain the same current; it does this by charging
the capacitance between the contacts of the switch. (Any two wires in close proximity have
some parasitic capacitance between them.)
There is a small capacitor (much larger than the actual value)
across the switch terminals to simulate this. When you open the switch, the voltage
goes very high; in real life, this would cause arcing.
- Blocking Inductive
shows how inductive kickback can be blocked with a “snubber” circuit.
- Power
Factor: This
circuit shows an inductor being driven by an AC voltage. The colors indicate power consumption;
red means that a component is consuming power, and green means that the
component is contributing power.
The left side of the circuit represents the power company’s side,
and the right side represents a factory (with a large induction motor).
The highly inductive load is causing the power company to work a lot
harder than normal for a given amount of power delivered. The graph on the left indicates the
power lost in the power company’s equipment (the resistor at top
left). The graph in the middle is
the power delivered to the factory.
The graph on the right is the power delivered to the inductor (and
then returned, causing the time average of power delivered to be zero).
Even though a peak power of 40 mW is being delivered to the factory, 200
mW is being dissipated in the power company’s wires. This is why power companies charge
extra for inductive loads.
- Power
Factor Correction: Here a capacitor has been added to the circuit,
causing far less energy to be wasted in the power company’s wires (aside
from an initial spike to charge the capacitor).
- Resistor Grid: shows current flowing
in a two-dimensional grid of resistors.
- Resistor Grid 2.
- Coupled LC's
LC Modes(2): Shows both modes of two
coupled LC circuits.
Weak Coupling.
LC Modes(3): Shows all 3 modes of 3
coupled LC circuits.
o LC
Ladder: This circuit is a simple model of a transmission line. A pulse propagates down the length of the
ladder like a wave. The resistor at the
end has a value equal to the characteristic impedance of the ladder (determined
by the ratio of L to C), which causes the wave to be absorbed. A larger resistance or an open circuit will
cause the wave to be reflected; a smaller resistance or a short will cause the
wave to be reflected negatively. See
the Feynman Lectures 22-6, 7.
- Phase-Sequence Network: This circuit generates
a series of sine waves with a phase difference of 90°.
- Lissajous Figures:
for fun.
- Diodes
- Half-Wave Rectifier: This circuit removes
the negative part of an input waveform.
- Full-Wave Rectifier: This circuit replaces
a waveform with its absolute value.
- Full-Wave Rectifier w/
This circuit smoothes out the rectified waveform, doing a pretty good job
of converting AC to DC.
- Diode I/V Curve: This demonstrates the
response of a diode to an applied voltage. The voltage source generates a sawtooth
wave, which starts out at –800 mV and slowly rises to 800 mV, and then
immediately drops back down again.
- Diode Limiter.
- DC Restoration. This takes an AC signal and adds a DC
offset, making it a positive signal.
- Blocking Inductive
shows how inductive kickback can be blocked with a diode.
- Spike Generator.
- Voltage Multipliers
- Voltage Doubler: Doubles the voltage
in the AC input signal (minus two diode drops), and turns it into DC.
- Voltage Doubler 2
- Voltage Tripler
- Voltage Quadrupler
- AM
This is a “crystal radio”, an AM radio receiver with no amplifier. The raw antenna feed is shown in the
first scope slot in the lower left.
The inductor and the capacitor C1 are tuned to 3 kHz, the
frequency shown in the lower right as “res.f”. This picks up the carrier wave shown in
the middle scope slot. A diode is
used to rectify this, and the C2 capacitor smoothes it out to generate
the audio signal in the last scope slot (which is simply a 12 Hz sine
wave in this example). By
experimenting with the value of C1’s capacitance, you can pick up two
other “stations” at 2.71 kHz and 2.43 kHz.
- Triangle-to-Sine
- Transistors
- Switch.
- Emitter
- Astable
A simple oscillator. The applet
has trouble simulating this circuit, so there might be a slight delay
every time one of the transistors switches on.
- Bistable
Multivibrator (Flip Flop): This circuit has two states; use the set/reset
switches to toggle between them.
- Monostable
Multivibrator (One-Shot): When you hit the switch, the output will go to 1.7 V
for a short time, and then drop back down.
- Common-Emitter
This circuit amplifies the voltage of the input signal by about 10 times.
- Unity-Gain Phase
Splitter: Outputs
two signals 180° out of phase from each other.
- Schmitt
- Current Source: The current is the
same regardless of the switch position.
- Current Source Ramp: Uses a current source
to generate a ramp waveform every time you hit the switch.
- Current Mirror: The current on the
right is the same as the current on the left, regardless of the position
of the right switch.
- Differential Amplifiers
- Differential Input: This circuit subtracts
the first signal from the second and amplifies it.
- Common-Mode Input: This shows a
differential amplifier with two equal inputs. The output should be a constant value,
but instead the input waveforms make it through to the output
(attenuated rather than amplified).
(When both inputs change together, that is called “common-mode
input”; the “common-mode rejection ratio” is the ability of a
differential amplifier to ignore common-mode signals and amplify only
the difference between the inputs.)
- Common-Mode w/Current
Source: This
is an improved differential amplifier that uses a current source as a
load. The common-mode rejection
ratio is very good; the circuit amplifies the small differences between
the two inputs, and ignores the common-mode signal.
- Push-Pull Follower: This is another type of
emitter follower.
- Oscillators
- Colpitts Oscillator
- Hartley Oscillator
- Emitter-Coupled LC
- JFET Current Source
- JFET Follower: This is like an emitter
follower, except that the output is 3V more positive than the input.
- JFET Follower w/zero
- Common-Source
- Volume Control: Here the JFET is used
like a variable resistor.
The white “H” is a logic input.
Click on it to toggle its state.
“H” means “high” (5 V) and “L” means “low” (0 V). The output of the inverter is shown at
right, and is the opposite of the input.
In this (idealized) simulation, the CMOS inverter draws no current
at all.
- CMOS Inverter
In reality, there are two reasons that CMOS gates draw current. This circuit demonstrates the first
reason: capacitance between the MOSFET gate and its source and
drain. It requires current to charge
this capacitance, which consumes power.
It also causes a short delay when changing state.
- CMOS Inverter (slow
The other reason that CMOS gates draw current is that both transistors
will conduct at the same time when the input is halfway between high and
low. This causes a current spike
when the input is in transition.
In this circuit, there is a low-pass filter on the input which
causes it to transition slowly, so you can see the spike.
- CMOS Transmission Gate: This circuit will
pass any signal, even an analog signal (as long as it stays between 0 and
5 V) when the gate input is “H”.
When it’s “L”, then the gate acts as an open circuit.
- CMOS Multiplexer: This circuit uses two
transmission gates to select one of two inputs. If the logic input is “H”, then the
output is a 40Hz triangle wave. If
it’s “L”, then the output is a 80Hz sine wave.
- Sample-and-Hold: Click and hold the
“sample” button to sample the input.
When you release the button, the output level will be held
- Delayed Buffer: This circuit delays
any changes in its input for 15 microseconds.
- Leading-Edge Detector
- Switchable Filter: Click the “L” to
select from two different low-pass filters.
- Voltage Inverter
- Inverter Amplifier: This shows how a CMOS
inverter can be used as an amplifier.
- Inverter Oscillator
- Op-Amps
- Amplifiers
- Inverting
This one has a gain of –3.
- Non-Inverting
- Follower
- Differential
- Summing
- Log Amplifier: output is the
(inverted) log of the input
- Class D
- Oscillators
- Relaxation
- Phase-Shift
- Triangle
Wave Generator
- Sine
Wave Generator
- Sawtooth Wave
- Voltage-Controlled
Oscillator: Here
the frequency of oscillation depends on the input (shown in the scope on
the left). The oscillator outputs
a square wave and a triangle wave.
- Rossler Circuit
- Half-Wave Rectifier: An active rectifier
that works on voltages smaller than a diode drop.
- Full-Wave Rectifier
- Peak Detector: This circuit outputs
the peak voltage of the input.
Whenever the input voltage is higher than the output, the output
will be adjusted upward to match.
Press the switch marked “reset” to reset the peak voltage back to 0.
- Integrator
- Differentiator
- Schmitt
- Negative Impedance
Converter: Converts
the resistor to a “negative” resistor.
In the first graph, note that the current is 180° out of phase
with the voltage.
- Gyrator: The top circuit
simulates the bottom circuit without using an inductor.
- Capacitance Multiplier: This circuit allows
you to simulate a large capacitor with a smaller one. The effective capacitance of the top
circuit is C1 x (R1/R2), and the effective resistance is R2.
- Howland Current Source
- I-to-V Converter: The output voltage
depends on the input current, which you can adjust with the switches.
- 741
The implementation of a 741 op-amp.
- 555
Timer Chip
- Square Wave Generator
- Internals: The implementation of
a 555 chip, acting as a square wave oscillator
- Sawtooth Oscillator
- Low-duty-cycle Oscillator: produces short
- Monostable
This is a one-shot circuit that will produce a timed pulse when you click
the “H”.
- Pulse Position
Modulator: Produces
pulses whose width is proportional to the input voltage.
- Schmitt Trigger
- Missing Pulse Detector:
the logic input low will turn off the square wave input. The missing pulse detector will detect
the missing input and bring the output high.
- Active Filters
- VCVS Low-Pass Filter: An active Butterworth
low-pass filter.
- VCVS High-Pass Filter
- Switched-Capacitor
A digital filter, implemented using capacitors and analog switches.
- Logic Families
- RTL Logic Family
The white “H” is a logic input.
Click on it to toggle its state.
“H” means “high” (3.6 V) and “L” means “low” (0 V). The output of the inverter is shown at
right, and is the opposite of the input.
The three inputs are at the bottom, and the output is to the right. The output is “L” if any of the inputs
are “H”. Otherwise it’s “H”.
- RTL NAND: The output is “H”
unless all three inputs are “H”, and then it’s “L”.
- DTL Logic Family
- TTL Logic Family
- NMOS Logic Family
- NMOS Inverter
- NMOS Inverter 2: This uses a second
MOSFET instead of a resistor, to save space on a chip.
Logic Family
- CMOS Inverter
Flip-Flop (or latch): This circuit consists of two CMOS NAND gates.
Master-Slave Flip-Flop
Logic Family
- Ternary: This demonstrates
three-valued logic, where the inputs can be 0, 1, or 2 instead of H and
L. This logic is implemented using
MOSFETs; the threshold
voltage of each one is shown.
- CGAND: the output is 2-X
where X is the minimum of the two inputs.
- CGOR: the output is 2-X
where X is the maximum of the two inputs.
- Complement.
- F211: 0 becomes 2, 1 becomes
1, 2 becomes 1.
- F220
- F221
- Combinational Logic
- Exclusive OR
- Half Adder
- Full Adder
- 1-of-4 Decoder
- 2-to-1
Mux: This
multiplexer uses two tri-state buffers connected to the output.
- Majority Logic: The output is high if a
majority of the inputs are high.
- 2-Bit Comparator: Tells you if the
two-bit input A is greater than, less than, or equal to the two-bit input
- 7-Segment LED Decoder
- Sequential Logic
- Analog/Digital
- Flash
This is a direct-conversion, or “flash” analog-to-digital converter.
- Delta-Sigma
- Half-Flash
(Subranging) ADC: Also known as a pipeline ADC. The first stage converts the input
voltage to a four-bit digital value.
Then, a DAC converts these four bits to analog, and then a
comparator calculates the difference between this and the input voltage. Another ADC converts this to digital,
giving a total of eight bits.
- Binary-Weighted
DAC: Converts a four-bit binary number to a
negative voltage.
- R-2R
Ladder DAC
- Switch Tree DAC
- Digital Sine Wave
- Phase-Locked
- XOR Phase Detector: Shows an XOR gate
being used as a type I phase detector.
The output is high whenever the two input signals are not in
- Type I PLL: This phase-locked loop
circuit consists of an XOR gate (the phase detector), a low-pass filter
(the resistor and capacitor), a follower (the op-amp), and a voltage-controlled
oscillator chip. The
voltage-controlled oscillator outputs a frequency proportional to the
input voltage. After the PLL
circuit locks onto the input frequency, the output frequency will be the
same as the input frequency (with a small phase delay).
- Phase Comparator (Type
II): Shows
a more sophisticated phase detector, which has no output when the inputs
are in phase, but outputs high (5V) when input 1 is leading input 2, and
low (0V) when input 2 is leading input 1.
The phase comparator and VCO in this applet are based on the 4046 chip.
- Phase Comparator
- Type II PLL: Shows a phase-locked
loop with a type II phase detector.
If you adjust the input frequency, the output should lock onto it
in a short time.
- Type II PLL (fast): Just a faster
simulation of the type II PLL.
- Frequency Doubler
- Transmission
- Simple TL: A properly terminated
transmission line, showing the delay as the signal travels down the line.
- Standing Wave: A standing wave on a
shorted transmission line.
- Termination: The top line is
terminated properly, but the others are not, and so the incoming wave is
- Mismatched lines: Shows reflections
caused by the middle line having a different impedance than the other two
- Mismatched lines 2: Shows a standing wave
on the first line, caused by the second line having a different
add a new component to the circuit, click the right mouse button on an unused
area of the window. This will bring up a
menu that allows you to select what component you want. Then click where you want the first terminal
of the component, and drag to where you want the other terminal. The menu items allow you to create:
resistors; you can adjust the resistance after
creating the resistor by clicking the right mouse button and selecting “Edit”
capacitors; you can adjust the capacitance using
inductors, switches, transistors, etc.
voltage sources, in either 1-terminal or
2-terminal varieties. The 1-terminal
versions use ground as the other terminal.
By clicking the right mouse button and selecting “Edit”, you can modify
the voltage and the waveform of the voltage source, changing it to DC, AC (sine
wave), square wave, triangle, sawtooth, or pulse. If it’s not a DC source, you can also change
the frequency and the DC offset.
op-amps, with power supply limits of –15V and
15V assumed (not shown). The limits can
be adjusted using “Edit”.
text labels, which you can modify with the
“Edit” dialog
test points; these have no effect on the
circuit, but if you select them and use the right mouse menu item “View in
Scope”, you can view the voltage difference between the terminals.
Also in the “Other” submenu, there are some items that allow you to click
and drag sections of the circuit around.
You can drag the circuit around by clicking and dragging with the Alt key
held down. Zoom in and out with the
mouse wheel or by using the zoom commands in the Edit menu.
To edit one of the scope views, click the right mouse button on it to view a
menu. The menu items allow you to remove
a scope view, speed up or slow down the display, adjust the scale, select what
value(s) you want to view, etc.
The time step size is the time between iterations of the simulator. Smaller time steps make the simulation more
accurate, but slower. A smaller time
step size is required to simulate high frequencies. A larger time step size may be appropriate
for circuits that run in real time. Use Edit->Other Options… to change the
time step size.
File->Recover Auto-Save lets
you recover a circuit lost when the simulator window was closed. If this doesn’t work, try Edit->Undo instead.
File->Find DC Operating Point
is useful with circuits that take a long time to reach a useful state. This option instantly charges all the
Here are some errors you might encounter when using the simulator:
· Voltage
source loop with no resistance! – this means one of the voltage sources in
your circuit is shorted. Make sure there
is some resistance across every voltage source.
· Capacitor
loop with no resistance! – it’s not allowed to have any current loops
containing capacitors but no resistance.
For example, capacitors connected in parallel are not allowed; you must
put a resistor in series with them.
Shorted capacitors are allowed.
· Singular
matrix! – this means that your circuit is inconsistent (two different
voltage sources connected to each other), or that the voltage at some point is
undefined. It might mean that some
component’s terminals are unconnected; for example, if you create an op-amp but
haven’t connected anything to it yet, you will get this error.
· Convergence
failed! – this means the simulator can’t figure out what the state of the
circuit should be. Just click Reset
and hopefully that should fix it. Your
circuit might be too complicated, but this happens sometimes even with the
· Transmission
line delay too large! – the transmission line delay is too large compared
to the timestep of the simulator, so too much memory would be required. Make the delay smaller.
· Need
to ground transmission line! – the bottom two wires of a transmission line
must always be grounded in this simulator.
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